- Team Hall & Nass need some Jalopnik love! RT @DustballRally: @jalopnik another for ZHZ Rally Vette http://bit.ly/BeZGo #
- Check out the first 3 installments by @TeamHallnNass at http://teamhallnnass.wordpress.com/. Great read! #
- Finishing up some work at the #CoolBuickSocial w/ a Buick Ice Blue drink! http://twitpic.com/h8o2n #
- At the #CoolBuickSocial @CoolRiverCafe & the Lacrosse looks great! http://twitpic.com/h9ecx #
- RT @GMTexas: #Chevy Sneak Peek @StateFairofTX exclusive to Twitter followers & Facebook fans. Info & Registration: http://bit.ly/3kiO7m #
- The more I look @ the Mercedes SLS AMG side-by-side w/ a 300SL Gullwing, the more I like it. http://twitpic.com/hchxq #
- It grows on you. http://www.twitpic.com/hchxq @AutoBlogNews: Everything you wanted to know about the Mercedes SLS AMG http://bit.ly/449isI #
- Beautimous! RT @burnoutradio: http://twitpic.com/hdaby
do you see the "1ton" Honda now? #erta # - Conan's In the Year 3000: Chrysler will offer PT Cruiser money back guarantee for 60days or life of car, whichever comes 1st. #
- hit 200 followers today! #
- Finally heard an Audi S5 under moderate acceleration today. I loved the S5 before, but IN love now #
- I hope so, for the vette's sake. RT @SpeedSportLife: LOL. RT @ack154 @SpeedSportLife At least it should end quickly. #
- RT @DR1665: … RT @upsidetrader: Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn't…http://tl.gd/gqpt #
- AMBERALERT: FtWorth, 94grnFordRanger 94BYL2, CHLD: 15yr W/F 5'1" heavy, E:brn H:blk, SUSP: 16yr W/M 5'7" 180lb E:brn H:blk call 817-392-3212 #
- thinking I need to organize a photo-themed road rally in the DFW area. #
- Surprised it's taken this long. unsure of the two-tone as usual. Bugatti Galibier 4-door http://bit.ly/1CRzgl #
- RT @GMblogs: Webchat w/ Bob Lutz today, 3 p.m. EDT, to discuss new mktg campaign "May the Best Car Win" http://bit.ly/3yUoAc #GM #
- Not a fan of DCT in street cars, but this is cool. via @insideline_com: Dual-Clutch Gearbox on Honda motorcycles! http://bit.ly/LbEVz #
- AMBERALERT: FtWorth, 94grnFordRanger 94BYL2, CHLD: 15yr W/F 5'1" heavy, E:brn H:blk, SUSP: 16yr W/M 5'7" 180lb E:brn H:blk call 817-392-3212 #
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