- This week, a bit of a character switch…@NissanNews XTerra Pro-4X http://t.co/pGLAeDO #
- Having a bit of difficulty getting IPL & Nismo reviews up. Hope to have those posted very soon. Sorry for the wait. #
- My 2011 Infiniti IPL G Coupe review: http://t.co/dP2Bsas #
- Found a couple places to play in the XTerra Pro-4X. Now it's starting to really look like a 4×4. http://t.co/VBPp9J5 #
- Apparently the Easter Bunny even has gifts for @BerryLowman. http://t.co/7LlehNh #
- Mtn bike wasn't cutting it, picked up a road bike on CL. Ready for 40-50 mi today. #
- The new steed. '00 Cannondale Black Lightning. Out for 30mi evening ride. http://t.co/MvGRQWo #
- REALLY long break 1/2 way into my #MS150 training ride. Someone dumped & burned a stolen Accord http://t.co/yTRw1f0 #
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